SALARY : R316 791 per annum
CENTRE : HSRC Building, Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : An excellent known Bachelor’s Degree in Information Science or equal qualification PLUS at least two years in the populace field. Knowledge of Library Sciences or Information Management. Knowledge of cataloguing and classification. Knowledge of Inmagic database. Knowledge of the applicable Public Service regulatory framework such as the PSR, PFMA and Acts. Knowledge of populace and improvement policies. Knowledge of DSD insurance policies and prescripts. Competencies needed: Communication (written, verbal and liaison) skills. Marketing skills. Computer literacy. Problem-solving skills. Planning and organising skills. Resource Management skills. Interpersonal skills. Attributes: Friendly. Accurate and precise. Approachable. Independent. Confident. Commitment. Consistent. Good interpersonal relationships. Ability to work in a crew and independently. Ability to work underneath pressure.

DUTIES : Control and administer the Population Resource Centre, together with cataloging and classification of material. Liaise with applicable carrier vendors and stakeholders in order to supply a complete populace and improvement data service. Ensure the upgrading and high quality functioning of the databases inside the Knowledge and Information services. Package and disseminate populace and improvement records in accordance to stakeholders’ needs. Promote the populace and improvement data provider and Population Resource Centre.

ENQUIRIES : Ms A Corneelsen Tel No: (012) 312-7905/072 404 7259
NOTE : In phrases of the Chief Directorate: Population and Development’s employment
equity targets, African and Coloured adult males and Coloured women as nicely as
persons with disabilities are influenced to apply.

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