Harmony Gold is providing Bursary 2023 for SA Students

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited invitations functions from South African college students to practice for Bursaries Programme 2023 academic year.

Bursary Application closing date is 31 December 2022

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited is searching to award bursaries to top-performing college students in their 1st, 2nd, third or 4th year of studies.

Interested Students in core mining disciplines such as Mining Engineering, Extractive Metallurgy, Geology, Survey, Rock Engineering, Electrical Engineering – Heavy Current ONLY, Mechanical Engineering
are inspired to apply.

Non-core mining associated fields of research encompass Finance, Accounting, Human Resources and Social Sciences, Health Sciences and Information Technology.


Applicants ought to be between 18 and 35 years of age.
A legitimate South African identification report (SA Citizen).
A National Senior Certicate, having exceeded all topics with 60% and above.
Students planning to find out about in the Engineering eld, need to have a minimum of70% for Mathematics & Physical Science.
Students already at tertiary establishments need to have bought an average of 60%and above in all predominant subjects. Current year results, should be attached.
Must be analyzing or graph to find out about on a full-time basis. Brief Curriculum Vitae (max three pages).

How to apply

Download Harmony Bursaries 2023 Application Form

Send utility to Bursaryscheme@harmony.co.za

Important: Harmony will solely think about college students having an acceptance letter from the tertiary organization that they can enrol for their 1st year of research and who can confirm that they are in their 2nd, third or 4th year of studies. In making the remaining selection, desire will be given to: Core mining fields of studies
Applicants from Harmony host communities
Applicants from Harmony labour sending areas
Dependents of Harmony employees
Historically deprived persons

For any enquiries, please contact Kitsi Taunyane on 018 700 3347

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